“Revolutionizing Philanthropy: The Intersection of Charity, Blockchain, and Wildlife Conservation through IRBIS Token”

Newas Mahmod
4 min readFeb 15, 2024


In the fast-paced, modern world, the essence of charity often takes a back seat as individualistic pursuits and materialistic desires dominate society. While charity was once a common practice, it has become somewhat of an anomaly today, with altruism being attributed to saintly figures or political strategies. However, amidst this evolving landscape, there are still individuals across diverse demographics who understand the significance of charity, each motivated by personal motives. Psychologists reveal that engaging in charitable acts not only fosters altruism but also leads to improved stress management, reduced susceptibility to depression, increased happiness, frequent positive emotions, and enhanced success in combating social phobia.

The Evolution of Charitable Donations in Cryptocurrency:

As technology progresses, the world of charity is experiencing a revolutionary shift with the advent of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. International experts propose the use of smart contracts on the blockchain to ensure the transparent and accountable allocation of donations, eliminating intermediaries and reducing transaction costs. Web3 solutions, by providing transparency and efficiency, have opened new avenues for fundraising and donor engagement through digital assets.

Bitcoin, the pioneer in cryptocurrency donations, saw anonymous contributions in 2017 through the Pineapple Fund, distributing over $55 million to 60 charitable organizations. Today, most charitable organizations accept donations in various cryptocurrencies, showcasing a growing trend.

Crypto-Philanthropy in Numbers:

The Giving Block, a platform for crypto-philanthropy, reported a staggering $69,644,535 in donations in 2021, marking a 1558% increase from the previous year. The average size of cryptocurrency donations surged by 236%, and NFT projects alone contributed $12.3 million to charitable causes. The establishment of Giving Block index funds witnessed an impressive $418,200 raised in the first two months.

Challenges in International Donations and the IRBIS Project:

Despite the growth in crypto-donations, international donations face obstacles such as the lack of payment instruments, high fees, potential fraud, and slow transaction speeds. The IRBIS project emerges as a solution, aiming to address these challenges and streamline the donation process, ensuring timely financial assistance to those in need.

IRBIS Token: Merging Finance and Conservation:

The IRBIS Token is a visionary cryptocurrency at the heart of the Snow Leopard Charity Foundation’s mission. Unlike traditional assets, IRBIS represents simplicity, integrity, and transparency in the crypto world. By investing in IRBIS, participants not only gain financial benefits but also contribute to the noble cause of safeguarding endangered Snow Leopards in their natural habitats.

Snow Leopards in Crisis:

Snow leopards, often referred to as Irbis, face a dire crisis due to illegal poaching for financial gain. The Snow Leopard Charity Foundation’s mission revolves around reviving habitats, educating communities, combating poaching, and providing sustainable alternatives to residents.

Tokenomics of IRBIS:

The Snow Leopard — IRBIS project’s tokenomics comprises two main economic structures in the blockchain space and the real world. With a total supply of 140,000,000 IRBIS tokens, the unlocking of tokens is strategically distributed for pre-sale, public sale, team, foundation, marketing, legal, and compliance purposes.

IRBIS: A Unique Space in Crypto:

IRBIS occupies a unique space in the cryptocurrency realm, combining financial innovation with a noble mission to save Snow Leopards from extinction. By joining the IRBIS community, participants become part of a story where vision meets purpose, creating value for both the ecosystem and the global community.

Roadmap and Future Collaborations:

The IRBIS project, outlined in a comprehensive roadmap, spans project inception to community governance and voting systems. Continuous efforts in marketing, partnerships, and collaborations promise further growth and impact.

Disclaimer and Regulatory Compliance:

The document emphasizes the importance of seeking professional legal and financial counsel, providing disclaimers regarding the non-binding nature of the document and acknowledging the rapidly evolving regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies.


In conclusion, the convergence of charity, blockchain technology, and wildlife conservation through the IRBIS Token signifies a paradigm shift in philanthropy. This modern solution addresses challenges in traditional donation methods, providing transparency, efficiency, and accountability. As individuals unite under the banner of crypto-philanthropy, the IRBIS project stands as a beacon of hope for both investors and the endangered Snow Leopards, symbolizing the harmonious coexistence of finance and conservation in the digital age.


Email Address: contact@irbistoken.com
Link to Twitter: https://twitter.com/IrbisFoundation
Project website: https://irbistoken.com/
Link to Telegram: https://t.me/tokenirbis
Link to Discord: https://discord.gg/daEa9U72
Link to KYC: https://idopresales.com/irbis-token-kyc-verification/

Publisher :

ALT Username : TOYMAN
Profile link : https://www.altcoinstalks.com/index.php?action=profile;u=97571
Telegram Name : @Newas0
BSC/ETH : 0xB1858108bB805Edf80eE81049C8d3c33D18074d2

